[TYPO3-english] Custom wrapping text and textpic cObj

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Nov 23 14:48:37 CET 2009

> I need to add a trailing </div> in very specific situations, relating
> to an extension I've created. It's a header-style extension that
> creates an accordion out of content elements, using the header as the
> accordion toggle, and the bodytext of the content element as the
> content of the accordion. Initially, I needed to add two HTML content
> elements to the page, one above and one below the content elements,
> the upper one containing:
> <div id="accordion_wrapper">
> and the bottom one containing:
> </div>

And you really want to do this with two different elements although the id
already contains the term pointing to the solution?
You should NEVER use content elements for this purpose since this is a job
for one of the different TypoScript WRAPs.

tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap = blah|blah

should be doing exactly what you want.



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