[TYPO3-english] Rendering shortcuts

Paul Johnson paul at studioe9.com
Fri Nov 20 18:41:59 CET 2009

Thanks Tomas... I think I am almost there... I hope.

Yes, I am trying to set it up so an image inserted in a page using  
"insert records" will render exactly as an image place on that page  

I managed to customize the rendering of images on the page, I just  
want the shortcuts to follow the same parameters.

I am pasting my full code below including how I adapted your example.
I am new to typoscript, but I think this must be pretty close to  





     selectFields= image,imagecaption,image_link,ctype,bodytext

  renderObj = COA
  renderObj.wrap = <div id="examplebox" >|</div>
  renderObj {
  1 = TEXT
  1 {
	if.value = image
       	if.equals.field = ctype
	wrap=<div id="exampleimage"><a href="|">

  2 = TEXT
  2 {
	if.value = image
       	if.equals.field = ctype
	wrap=<img src="http://example.org/uploads/pics/|" alt="" border="0" / 

  3 = TEXT
  3 {
	if.value = image
       	if.equals.field = ctype
	wrap=<div id="exampledesc">|</div></div>

  4 = TEXT
  4 {
	if.value = html
       	if.equals.field = ctype

  5 = CASE
    5 {
      key.field = CType

      shortcut = RECORDS
      shortcut {
        source.field = records
        tables = tt_content
        conf {
          tt_content < tt_content
          tt_content.image >
  	 tt_content.image = TEXT
  	tt_content.image.value = TEST




On Nov 20, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Tomas Mrozek wrote:

>> Could you give a quick example how I would, for example, access and  
>> wrap
>> an image field from the shortcut record in the below,  then I  
>> should be
>> all set ?
> It depends on which tt_content type you want to set it for. The  
> content
> "Insert records" includes tt_content records which again are of  
> certain
> type... including "Insert records". Confused?! :-)
> With the previous code,
> temp.shortlist.renderObj.5.shortcut.conf.tt_content is the same as
> tt_content so use TypoScript Object browser to explore the current
> settings and do changes.
> For example, with
> temp.shortlist.renderObj.5.shortcut.conf.tt_content.image you can  
> change
> all "Image" tt_content elements that you refer to in the "Insert
> records" (shortcut) element. You can obviously completely redefine  
> them,
> thus...
> temp.shortlist.renderObj.5.shortcut.conf.tt_content.image >
> temp.shortlist.renderObj.5.shortcut.conf.tt_content.image = TEXT
> temp.shortlist.renderObj.5.shortcut.conf.tt_content.image.value = TEST
> ...should render text "TEST" instead of each "Image" that you are
> referring to with your "Insert records" element.
> Tomas Mrozek
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