[TYPO3-english] recipient_copy in class.t3lib_htmlmail.php and double emails

Reinhard Führicht rf at typoheads.at
Wed Nov 11 16:49:09 CET 2009


I guess you are right. I noticed this behaviour some days ago and 
basically did the same as you to solve the problem.

Joachim Rinck schrieb:
> hi,
> i found some, but not many issues of mailform setups resulting in double 
> emails for adresses in CC.
> but it seems to be a common thing, am i right? it seems that in
> t3lib/class.t3lib_htmlmail.php
> adresses in recipient_copy are added to
>  487             // Cc
>  488         if ($this->recipient_copy) {
>  489             $this->add_header('Cc: ' . $this->recipient_copy);
>  490         }
> once and then again
>  752         if ($recipient_copy) {
>  753             if ($returnPathPossible) {
>  754                 $mailWasSent = mail($recipient_copy,
>  755                     $this->subject,
>  756                     $this->message,
>  757                     $this->headers,
> result: the mail gets sent once to the "TO" recipient and twice to each 
> "CC" recipient.
> i wouldn't mind but some people do. i use powermail and i see no way to 
> fix this by means of any ts config.
> if i add
>  751             $recipient_copy = 0;
> than all is fine for me.
> am i missing something obvious?
> best regards, j.rinck

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