[TYPO3-english] Fetching tt_content from TS
Krystian Szymukowicz
t33k.RE.MO.VE at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Wed Nov 11 10:15:51 CET 2009
Pero Matic pisze:
> JoH asenau wrote:
>>> Pero Matic kirjoitti:
>>>> Hi. I'd like to have some advise from you guys dealing flexibility
>>>> of content order. I often have requests that content in one column
>>>> can be ordered as backend user wants it. So for example this is the
>>>> right page content:
>>>> <div class="some_class1">###content_1###</div>
>>>> <div class="some_class2">###content_2###</div>
>>>> <div class="some_class3">###content_3###</div>
>>>> Now, users want to be able to change the order of content ie:
>>>> <div class="some_class2">###content_2###</div>
>>>> <div class="some_class1">###content_1###</div>
>>>> <div class="some_class3">###content_3###</div>
>>> I'm not sure if I understand completely what you are looking for, but
>>> you can get some flexibility with a template selector. If you
>>> predefine some orders of columns then editor can switch between them.
>>> With rlmp_tmplselector you can switch change templates and content
>>> templates.
>> I guess what he is looking for is
>> select.orderBy=sorting
>> to get manually sorted content elements.
>> And
>> tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap
>> to give them individual wraps.
> Hi Katja, hi JoH (i just send you some feedback on mail dealing ICE pack
> :-). So to explain it a bit. Page editors want the flexibility to manually
> change the order of each element they put in some column ie. left column.
> This could be done easily, but then all individual wraps should be
> forgotten? Ie. if i need to wrap image element called Picture1 with <div
> class="picture1"> i can do that if i know exact position of that element in
> column. Then i could say - get element from left column position 1 and wrap
> it with <div class="picture1"> but what if page editor places that same
> element on position 4?
> I didn't quite understood this solution by JaH but maybe that's the way to
> go if we understood each other well. Thx!
and what about using CE frames?
Krystian Szymukowicz
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