[TYPO3-english] External links in RTE on multi-domain site

Christian Hennecke christian.hennecke at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sat May 30 01:35:50 CEST 2009


I have a multi-domain / multi-language setup, say www.bla.com and 
www.blubb.com, and have created a tt_news item on www.bla.com that 
contains an external link to www.blubb.com in the RTE body text field. 
The problem is that the link points to the correct path but on the 
domain the news is displayed on, i.e., instead of linking to 
http://www.blubb.com/en/test.html it points to 

The behavior seems to be independent of RealURL. TYPO3 version is 4.2.6.

Now I've found config.typolinkEnableLinksAcrossDomains but setting it to
true does not change anything.

Any hints on what may be wrong?
"I smell blood and an era of prominent madmen." - W.H. Auden

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