[TYPO3-english] Feature request

Marcus Krause marcus#exp2009 at t3sec.info
Fri May 29 13:50:21 CEST 2009

Susanne Moog schrieb am 05/29/2009 07:34 AM Uhr:
> Hi Tyler,
> Tyler Kraft schrieb:
>> I want to know how I can make some (small) feature requests and
>> additions? Ideally I'd love to see them make it into 4.3. I'm not a
>> php guy, but I believe that they are actually very small requests and
>> would be very handy occasionally - similar in scope to things like
>> Would anyone be interested in developing them and getting them into
>> 4.3? Or should I get a small extension made to be reviewed? What is
>> the best approach?
> You can first report the features you want to have in the bug tracker
> (http://bugs.typo3.org).

And of course, there's a chance that somebody else already had that
idea. So please search the bugtracker prior to creating a new issue.

If your feature is already in the bugtracker, just comment it:
"+1; I really like to see it implemented"


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