[TYPO3-english] Class or modern icon set with mm_forum?
Ries van Twisk
typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Sat May 9 14:57:06 CEST 2009
>> hey All,
>> I am trying to use the modern icon set, but I
>> have a hard time understanding how this works.
>> Tjis is what the manual states
>> "As of version 0.1.6, you can switch between classic and modern topic
>> icons. The classic icons are identical with those used in the
>> previous
>> versions of the mm_forum extension. The modern icons by default
>> consist of an „icon map“ and are configured by a TypoScript template
>> located in plugin.tx_mmforum_pi1.topicIcon. The necessary topic
>> parameters are stored in the data array of the content object
>> (accessible for example by stdWrap.field). There are the following
>> fields:"
>> is it correct that the new modern icons are not in mm_forum and
>> that I
>> need to supply them myself?
>> The reson for asking is that if I use the modern set I just get white
>> images and no icon is shown.
>> Ries
> Hy Ries,
> browse the constant-editor for "PLUGIN.MM_FORUM - FILE PATHS", there
> you
> can change the directory for images.
> Furthermore you can set the path for each single image in "TypoScript
> Object Browser" => plugin.tx_mmforum_pi1.topicIcon.file.[1-40].file.
> In plugin.tx_mmforum_pi1.images you can set a lot of imagenames, to
> change the default names which should be fetched from the configured
> image-folder.
> Look for your version of mm_forum, current version is 0.1.7.
> I had to download this version manually form TER because the
> extension-manager didn't found the actual version.
> Regards
> David
hey David,
I will some more checking... I triple checked the directory paths to
the images
folder (I moved the res directory over to fileadmin).
When switch to classic mode all my images show up, when I use modern
then it's nothing, just the white blocks. I did found one bug in the
pi1 extension
in regards to this, but I did see in SVN that problem was already
I know about the extension manager often gives the wrong version
number (happens
often right after installation) and I know for sure I have 0.1.7
I think I will do some constructive debugging on my dev system :(
I have seen numerous other people with this problem to, so I am nto
alone :)
regards, Ries van Twisk
Ries van Twisk
tags: Freelance TYPO3 Glassfish JasperReports JasperETL Flex Blaze-DS
WebORB PostgreSQL DB-Architect
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
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