[TYPO3-english] Create hmenu and vmenu with templavoila
Mark Kuiphuis
spam at markyourweb.com
Wed Mar 25 07:11:32 CET 2009
Joko Nurjadi wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a template that has 2 menus, in horizontal menu and vertical menu (at the left sidebar).
> For example, hmenu should display menu/page A, B, C
> vmenu should display menu/page D, E, F
> With Templavoila, I map horizontal menu (main menu) that show all available pages in page tree (A, B, C)
> My question is, how to create the second menu (vertical menu), should i create a new data element to map, and where's I have to create page D, E, F? Because if I create D, E, F in same level with A, B, C, it will display in hmenu.
> Thank you very much.
> Rgds,
> Joko
Hi Joko,
Hmenu and Vmenu? Hmenu does exist, but doesn't stand for Horizontal
Menu, but Hierarchical Menu. My TSREf doesn't say anything about a VMenu.
I'm not familiar with TemplaVoila, but you could try to use the
property: entryLevel if the DEF are not on the same level as pages A,B and C
If they are you could use something like:
lib.mainmenu = HMENU
lib.mainmenu.special = list
lib.mainmenu.special.value = 1,2,3
lib.mainmenu.1 = TMENU
lib.mainmenu.1 {
CUR = 1
lib.verticalmenu = HMENU
lib.verticalmenu.special = list
lib.verticalmenu.special.value = 4,5,6
lib.verticalmenu.1 = TMENU
lib.verticalmenu.1 {
CUR = 1
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