[TYPO3-english] Splitting localconf.php

Bas v.d. Wiel j.a.m.v.d.wiel at tue.nl
Wed Mar 11 12:21:30 CET 2009

Hi all,
I'm experimenting with splitting the localconf.php file into parts to 
make it easy to sync test/production sites. In particular I'm interested 
in splitting off the DB parameters from the main config file. Right now 
I have this in ./typo3conf/

localconf.php starts with:

..and then the rest of the usual localconf.php contents.

dbconf.php contains:
$typo_db = 'db';
$typo_db_username = 'dbuser';
$typo_db_password = 'pass';
$typo_db_host = 'testmysqlserver';

The idea is to sync whole directory trees between test and production 
servers, but leave dbconf.php untouched on both.

..but now TYPO3 simply throws me into the install tool every time I try 
to access the site, even though the include statement itself appears 
succesful. When I put something like die('Include worked!'); into 
dbconf.php, it works as expecte. TYPO3 simply doesn't seem to like it 
when I set the DB parameters somewhere other than in localconf.php 
directly. Does anyone here know if this behaviour is hard-coded into 
TYPO3 or am I simply doing something wrong?


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