[TYPO3-english] Content text wrap

Michael Miousse mmiousse at infoglobe.ca
Tue Jul 28 15:11:42 CEST 2009

Le Tue, 28 Jul 2009 14:12:16 +0200, Pero Matic a écrit :

> Hi. I'm getting one of my TEXT contents like this:
>   10 = COA
>   10.10 < styles.content.get
>   10.10.select.begin = 0
>   10.10.select.where = colPos=0
> How can I wrap header or text for that particular content? I know how to
> wrap it globaly -
> tt_content.text.20.dataWrap = <something">|</something>
> but i'm not sure how to do it only for that content?
> Thx!

this should do the trick

# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
  10 = COA
  10.10 < styles.content.get
  10.10.select.begin = 0
  10.10.select.where = colPos=0
  10.10.renderObj.text.20.dataWrap = <somethingtest>|</somethingtest>



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