[TYPO3-english] flvplayer2 and tt_news

Markus Deckmann Markus.Deckmann79 at web.de
Mon Jul 27 23:49:32 CEST 2009

Hi again,

Now flvplayer and tt_news works correctly. Following TS will do this:

### TS-Start ###
temp.newsFileRecord = RECORDS
temp.newsFileRecord {
	source = {GPvar:tx_ttnews|tt_news}
	source.insertData = 1
	tables = tt_news
	conf.tt_news >
	conf.tt_news = TEXT
	conf.tt_news.field = title
	wrap = http://mydomain/fileadmin/videos/|

plugin.tx_flvplayer_pi1 {
	width = 550
	height = 413
	playerParams.autoStart = 0
	#url = http://mydomain/fileadmin/videos/example.flv
	url < temp.newsFileRecord

url in plugin.tx_flvplayer_pi1 has type stdWrap, but the TypoScript only 
returns RECORDS. temp.newsFileRecord should have the value 
"http://mydomain/fileadmin/videos/"+{value of newstitle}.

Whats wrong with the TS-code? Thanks for help.

Bye Markus

Markus Deckmann schrieb:
> Hi,
> I use flvplayer2 and tt_news and want to show FLV-videos in my 
> tt_news-element with the following TS-Code:
> temp.videoplugin < plugin.tx_flvplayer_pi1
> temp.videoplugin {
>     url = fileadmin/videos/sss/sss.flv
> }
> plugin.tt_news.newsFiles_stdWrap.wrap = |<br/><br/>
> plugin.tt_news.newsFilesHeader_stdWrap.wrap = |
> plugin.tt_news.newsFiles {
>     path = uploads/media/
>     icon = 0
>     stdWrap.wrap = |
>     labelStdWrap.cObject = TEXT
>     labelStdWrap.cObject.value = temp.videoplugin
>     file.stdWrap.wrap = <div class='news-single-link'>|</div>
> }
> In the "Files:"-section in the tt_news-elements I have saved the 
> specified FLV-video which should show in SINGLE-view of the news.
> The TS-code in front of this lines dont work. It shows no player and no 
> video. How can I do it that the player work and the url of the movie is 
> setup dynamic?
> Thanks for help.
> Bye Markus

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