[TYPO3-english] HTML5 & TYPO3
Jason Lefkowitz
jason at jasonlefkowitz.net
Mon Jul 27 15:23:43 CEST 2009
Hey everybody...
For as long as I've been using TYPO3, it has seemed very oriented
towards using XHTML as its chosen markup syntax. See, for example, how
CONFIG.doctype provides options for setting your site's DOCTYPE
declaration to any flavor of XHTML you wish, but does not include
options for HTML 4; or how TYPO3 uses XML-style element closures by
default (e.g. "<br />" rather than "<br>").
A few weeks ago, however, the W3C essentially deprecated XHTML as a
standard by closing down the XHTML2 Working Group and encouraging
interested parties to take up the still-in-progress HTML5 spec instead.
(See http://www.w3.org/2009/06/xhtml-faq for details.) While HTML5 will
offer an XHTML-style XML serialization, it's becoming pretty clear that
this "flavor" of HTML5 will not be the primary one developers will be using.
Has anyone articulated yet how TYPO3 will be making the move to HTML5,
and what work will be required on the part of TYPO3 admins & developers
to make that move happen? I've been looking for this kind of information
but haven't seen it anywhere, so links, suggestions, etc. will be
gratefully appreciated...
-- Jason
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