[TYPO3-english] Hiding empty section

Christian Tardif christian.tardif at servinfo.ca
Wed Jul 22 17:12:28 CEST 2009

Loek Hilgersom wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> Try this:
> - map the the right content area as OUTER.
> - modify the TS part of the DS for this part to look like this:
> 	<TypoScript><![CDATA[
> 		10 < lib.field_contentright
> 	]]></TypoScript>
> - then put this somewhere in your TS templates setup:
> lib.field_contentright = COA
> lib.field_contentright {
>    10 = RECORDS
>    10 {
>      source.current = 1
>      tables = tt_content
>      stdWrap {
>        required = 1
>        wrap = <div id="contentright">|</div>
>      }
>    }
> }
> I didn't try this exactly like this, but I think it should make the div 
> disappear when there is no content. Then you should be able to solve it with CSS.


I just found some info on the Net (finally). While you pointed out in 
the right direction, it won't work. Here is what I found:

it looks like RECORDS does not support full stdWrap featurers.
thats what i have seen after a look in the TS-ref. but you could use a COA
to get the full stdWrap Features

     1 =COA
     1 {
stdWrap.required = 1
stdWrap.wrap = <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--><div  
     10= RECORDS
     10.tables = tt_content

And it works. For the rest, you're right. I'll then be able to fix the 
rest with CSS.

I don't know if this has been used very often (due to the difficulty I 
had to find the answer, I would say no), but wouldn't be helpful to have 
the opportunity, at mapping time, to tell that this EL is to be ripped 
of when empty?   Just a checkbox would do the job....

Thanks for helping me out.


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