[TYPO3-english] HMENU as if on other page
David Bruchmann
typo3-en at bruchmann-web.de
Mon Jul 20 15:10:37 CEST 2009
----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
Von: Tyler Kraft <tyler.kraft at netefficiency.co.uk>
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Juli 2009 14:28:43
An: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de
Betreff: Re: [TYPO3-english] HMENU as if on other page
> Hi David,
> No it's the same idea as always - it's back pid (at the bottom of the
> rootline, not the top)
> Forgive me if this seems ridiculous but I still don't think we're
> talking about the same thing here. I don't want to hide the last menu
> point/item at all - in some cases it's not even the same menu at all. I
> want to generate a menu that is not at all where the current page is,
> but with a make believe page.
> If I have this page tree structure in the BE
> home
> |- sub a
> | |- sub aa
> | |-sub aaa
> | |-sub aaa
> |-sub b
> | |-sub bb
> |
> |-sub c
> | |- sub cc
> | |-sub ccc
> |-sub d
> I need to generate the menu as if I was on page sub cc or page sub bbb
> (as defined with &backpid=XX) when I'm actually on page sub d (and the
> page structure is more complicated than just this simple example.) So my
> problem is that I don't really know where the start of the menu is ever
> going to be, and I don't know what the parent page is going to be, and I
> don't know how deep the menu will ever be. All I know is the page that I
> came from and nothing more. So from my point of view I have to build the
> menu as if in reverse, with no directions so to speak - just starting at
> the final destination ;-)
Referring the menu in TS: it's no problem to create a menu like you were
on any page with the HMENU-parameter special=directory
It's just a matter of defining the parameters that can be requested by
conditions. Furthermore the ItemStates have to be defined. If they shall
reflect other states than the usual case perhaps a php-function has to
override them.
Best regards
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