[TYPO3-english] Content element wrap

Jesper Mathiasen jekorma at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 17:40:37 CEST 2009

Hej Martin

Thank you for your kind assistance.
It worked great, except for one thing. I didn't realize that
all HTML elements would also be wrapped, which cripples
parts of my site which require specific html tags. How do I exempt
html content elements while using the code you already provided?

Martin Bernt Rud wrote:
> Hej Jesper,
> Try this:
> tt_content {
>  stdWrap.dataWrap (
>   <div id="ce_{field:uid}" class="contentElement CType_{field:CType}
> section_frame_{field:section_frame} header_layout_{field:header_layout}">
>     |
>   </div>
>  )
> }
> It gives specific classes on every CType (text, image, text/image and so on)
> and then you can hit the headers and other sub elements with CSS like
> div.CType_text h1 {
>   ...
> }
> The classes section_frame_{field:section_frame}
> header_layout_{field:header_layout} gives you further ways of doing things.
> In generel you can wrap with properties from all field in the table
> tt_content.
> Regards,
> Martin
> 2009/7/14 Jesper Mathiasen <jekorma at gmail.com>
>> Hello.
>> First of all I'm very much a Typo3 noob. Here's my question.
>> I need several kinds of content elements to be wrapped in a specific
>> class for css styling. I.e. all text, image, text w. image elements,
>> including headers belonging to them. I know next to nothing about TS,
>> and as far as I can gather from other forums this might be a bit tricky
>> to achieve.
>> So what do you say, is it possible?
>> regards,
>> Jesper.
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