[TYPO3-english] The clipboard and templavoila in custom workspaces
Markus.Kummer at t-systems.com
Markus.Kummer at t-systems.com
Tue Jul 14 13:52:57 CEST 2009
Hi all,
using Typo3 4.2.8 with TV 1.3.7 in custom workspaces.
It is a littlebit complicated to describe.
My first problem was that pagecontent created in the list module was not
seen in the tv page module.
I found the following patch (Thanks to Jose Antonio Guerra) which fixed
this issue.
Then I realized the following (with and without the above patch):
When copying or cutting pagecontent with the help of the clipboard
(#1-#3) (List Module) the TV page module does not show the changes made.
After I have published the ws the copied CE's show up in the unused
elements section of the TV page module. I can insert (create reference)
these elements on the page and then there is no difference between the
list and the tv page module anymore.
When copying or cutting pagecontent with the help of the "Normal"
clipboard, in the tv page module nothing has changed but the litte green
arrow to paste content elements on a page appears and I can paste the ce
into the page as "CE Header (copy 1)". When I change back to the list
module it shows me the ce twice: "CE Header" and "CE Header (copy 1).
As a result I have inconsistencies between the list and the tv page view
as long it is not published and I repaired it manually as described
I searched for solutions but I'm not sure if this is related to
templavoila, workspaces, the clipboard or if I just handle the whole
thing in a wrong way.
Is this a known issue I didn't find the solution for or should I report
it as a bug?
I'm happy to provide more information if needed.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Markus Kummer
T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH
Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn
Tel: + 49 228 9841 382
E-Mail: markus.kummer at t-systems.com
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