[TYPO3-english] so called TYPO3-supporting providers
Peter Proell
peter at typo3.org
Sun Jul 5 19:48:32 CEST 2009
Dear Bernd, dear Ron, dear all,
We have the "Certified TYPO3 Integrators". Why not having Certified
TYPO3 Hosters, too? I personally would say this is a great idea. And for
sure hosters will pay for that. This is advertising for them and they
will benefit from this.
Certification is a full load of work. So a testing-script would be
excellent, too. What we need:
* a concept
* someone to set the program up and (more important:) keep it running
* a decision and commitment by the Association in the first place :-), I
can only speak for me right here.
So here we go:
* I will put this issue on the agenda of our next meeting.
* We would need volunteers for a "Hosting Provider Certification Team".
This will be work guys. And it needs volunteers that stick to it not
only for a day or so. If you are prepared, please send me a mail to
participation at typo3.org with the subject: "hoster certification team".
Please also mention in your mail if you would have technical skills to
write a testing script.
* If you are interested on results and what is happening with this issue
please stay tuned at http://buzz.typo3.org/teams/boarding/
* Meanwhile, continue to post your ideas on which criteria should be
fulfilled to get certified.
Boarding, please!
With best regards on behalf of the
TYPO3 Association
Peter Proell
TYPO3 Association Board Member
Ron Hall schrieb:
> Hello Bernd,
> First let me say that your suggestion for a testing script is a good
> one. SlideShowPro director has such a script for its application and I
> have found it helpful. It checks for all the required items and also for
> the "nice to have" items. It would even better that it be a stand alone
> file not a T3d file as you could test before you had TYPO3 installed.
> However, I still believe a paid certification is still a good idea. A
> hosting company would not have to be certified. They can still claim
> they support TYPO3 just like non-certified developers can offer TYPO3
> services. I have not yet taken the certification exam, but I am a
> competent TYPO3 developer and advertise as such.
> Non-certification does not mean a company is not competent, but simply
> that, for whatever reason, they have chosen not to be certified. But
> certification would mean that the company has invested the time and
> capital to be certified and that those efforts are officially recognized.
> As for hosting companies deciding on certification or not, there is a
> difference between a hosting company being cheap and being low-cost.
> To be profitable, a low-cost provider depends upon volume, in other
> words, hosting many sites. Since certification fees would be charged per
> host and not per site, these hosts should be able to afford
> certification as easily as premium hosts.
> The hosts that would have trouble would be those that are trying to
> conduct business by being low-cost AND low-volume which is always an
> unprofitable business strategy.
> Ron Hall
> Busy Noggin, Inc.
> On Jul 5, 2009, at 10:58 AM, bernd wilke wrote:
>> Am Sun, 05 Jul 2009 10:37:13 -0500 schrieb Ron Hall:
>>> Hi Andi,
>>> Athough I believe the Association should not bother itself with policing
>>> hosts who simply say they support TYPO3, I also believe your idea of a
>>> hosting certification has merit. I could see it working like the current
>>> developer certification. The Association could legitimately charge fees
>>> since time would needed for verifying and monitoring the certified hosts
>>> and hosts would gain value by being certified.
>> I don't think that providers which want to be cheap would pay for a
>> certificate.
>> may be we could build up a more complex test than the IM-tests in
>> install-
>> tool? something similar to the acid-test for browsers:
>> a basic webpage as t3d-import which includes the most common
>> functionality (requiring an extension which must be installed before,
>> working on some images, sending a mail (registering), pdf to img, AI to
>> img, ... )
>> Each provider can install this testpage and everyone can see on the
>> resulting website which functions are available, which not.
>> bernd
>> --
>> http://www.pi-phi.de/t3v4/cheatsheet.html
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