[TYPO3-english] How to change to three columns?

Xavier Perseguers typo3 at perseguers.ch
Sat Jan 31 11:24:34 CET 2009

Hi Ronald,

> When I do that on my sites, nothing changes, since I have the menu on
> top (some sites at the left side) and the paragraph uses the full wide
> of the screen.
> How can I do that (the easy way)? Can you point me to an example? Any
> thoughts/disadvantages?

If you want to keep your text as such and display it on 2 columns, then 
you need either CSS3 that has a concept of columns for displaying the 
text or an extension that split your content on 2 or more columns 

I do not know of any extension that does this but you may search for 
"columns" on http://typo3.org/extensions and see whether something 
matches your needs.

Most multi-columns extensions provide in fact a design where you have to 
split manually your content onto multiple columns. Perhaps there is an 
extension to make this for you although I would say that the best 
solution in terms of accessibility would be to use CSS3 built-in method. 
Problem is that there's a great chance that many browsers wont 
understand this CSS3 configuration (but may well-degrade though).


Xavier Perseguers

One contribution a day keeps the fork away

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