[TYPO3-english] RO in TMENU_LAYERS
Tapio Markula
tapio.markula at xetpoint.fi
Thu Jan 29 08:13:58 CET 2009
Christopher Torgalson kirjoitti:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 9:16 AM, André Hänsel <andre at webkr.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> there is no RO state in TMENU, neither is there in TMENU_LAYERS.
>> So how do I change the sytle of the trigger item as long as the submenu is
>> expanded?
> CSS. Place a class on the menu item using one of the ACTIFSUB or
> CURIFSUB states.
> By the way: TMENU_LAYERS is a coding abomination and can slow a site
> down dramatically. Flyout menus have come a long way since that thing
> was created--I'd strongly encourage you to use something (anything!)
> different.
you can get working CSS and JavaScript (for IE 5-6) installing
pixe_feediting, which top menu use so-called son of suckerfish -
recommended menu type instead of TMENU_LAYER. Just set ul + li
structure, where you set the for the 1. level ul a id attribute and
change the JavaScript so, that it has the same id as you have set for
the ul element (if you use pixe_feediting the id must be different).
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