[TYPO3-english] How often does typo3 release an upgrade?

Andreas Becker ab.becker at web.de
Thu Feb 26 02:40:33 CET 2009

Hi Filype
TYPO3 hasn't got a clear Release Cycle like UBUNTU even there is a lot of
development going on all the time. In the last months there have been lots
of updates i.e. to prevent security issues and you need to update
immediately (best on the same day), but there are also times where long time
no update is necessary i.e. new major releases - and only extensions your
customer is using get updated. Like Steffen said check the mailinglist and
you can try to figure it out.

i.e. We do provide our customers and for those from other agencies who book
our editor or admin hotline support, update services for our TYPO3 based
Systems. This includes immediate updates after security related issues have
been announced and also usual release updates, when they have been announced
in a bit larger timeframe. It works out fine!

But be careful as an TYPO3 or even an Extension update can cause other
extensions no more to work again sometimes and this costs often lots of time
to get this fixed.

Therefore we released our own TYPO3 based Packages, where we included
extensions we tested before and where we standardized many things to provide
a much better hotline support. This saves us since a lot of trouble and
makes customer happy. Update Services and Support on our packages are
released in a cycle similar to the Ubuntu cycle. But even here we need to
upgrade and update immediately if a security issue has been announced.

If a customer wants to order your "security - update" service be carefull
that you have enough access right to the sites. Otherwise you might get in
trouble when you first need permissions from others to fulfill your mission
when an security update has been released. This time can be used by Hackers
to crack your site if they have knowledge or by incident that they know
about this problem. You should make this very clear before you provide an
security update service to customers, that you will need IMMEDIATE server
access after a new security bulletin has been released.

I hope this helps

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