[TYPO3-english] "DELETE FROM fe_sessions" job causes server to hang (Case 851)

Søren Madsen sma at cs.au.dk
Wed Feb 25 10:10:47 CET 2009

Every morning at 9AM it seems like TYPO3 instructs our database server  
to run a clean up job. We se lots of jobs like this one:

> | 455212 | typo3 | ourserver.dk:36821 | typo3s  | Query  | 59 |  
> Locked | DELETE FROM fe_sessions
>      WHERE
>      ses_id = 'b0ba76d6971a84a4455eeaf4916dd20b'
>      AND ses_nam

The problem is that these jobs locks the server, and makes all of our  
sites unresponsive or they throw a database user denied error, and  
this takes 5-10 minutes. We can't seem to find the origin of these  
jobs - can anyone help ? We obviously don't mind that these clean up  
jobs run, but we'd really like to know where they come from, and we'd  
really like to change the time they run.

Kind regards,
Søren Madsen

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