[TYPO3-english] cooluri https_enforcer

Roman Buchler rb at synac.com
Tue Feb 24 17:51:55 CET 2009

Hello Jan,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I made some trials with changing the rewriting as idicated but didn't 
get it running. As well I am a little bit lost were a slash needs to be 
apended... (rewriting, https_enforcer, cooluri).

I use to maintain up to 10 customer sites within one t3 installation. 
This is why multi domain functionality is needed. Now while trying to 
get https_enforcer running I added the additional domain record to the 
root page.

The experiance with cooluri so far is that it works perfect where one 
domain is assigned to a page tree. As soon as there are various domain 
records, I couldn't get it running (e.g. There are some customers that 
have up to five domains for the same thing!).

Any way I can use it as it is (will access the https page directly 
through index.php).

Thank you very much for you help!

Have a good evening, Roman

Jan Bednarik escribió:
> Hi,
>> Not Found: The requested URL /home/synac/public_html/index.php was not 
>> found on this server.
> this is definitely not correct. Instead of
> RewriteRule .* index.php [L]
> try to use
> RewriteRule .* /index.php [L]
> or
> RewriteRule .* ./index.php [L]
> with some configurations the first one doesn't work for some reason.
>> The cached URI shows the following details:
>>  > secure43.tophost.ch/~synac at contenido-admin/aviso-legal/
>>  > L=0&id=1010
> So, you're running a multidomain installation in a subdirectory. Hmm... 
> I haven't tested this. Is it really neccessary for you to have 
> multidomain environment?

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