[TYPO3-english] different stylesheet when contentfield is empty

Stephan de Bruin stephan.de.bruin at dpdk.nl
Wed Feb 4 11:26:37 CET 2009

Marcus 'biesior' Biesioroff schreef:
> Stephan de Bruin pisze:
>> I thought it did the trick, but it seems like it didn't. I can;t use a 
>> check on the database to see if there is nothing in the middle column, 
>> because there is always a banner showing.
>> Any ideas?
> As I assume you are placing banner just by putting CE (content element) 
> in the column... you can insert it via TypoScript - into your template, 
> so then there will not be any content with colPos  = x, and you'll have 
> your banners displayed still.
Allright, that works for the banner, but now I've got another issue. 
I've placed all CE's which are placed on my pages through TS into the 
left column.
Now, when I place content into the middle column, the other CE´s are 
placed back into the middle column. How does this happen?

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