[TYPO3-english] Check if an area doesn't contain elements
Tyler Kraft
tyler.kraft at netefficiency.co.uk
Wed Dec 16 11:21:06 CET 2009
I actually don't know what your asking. What lib.content?
Jeppe Donslund wrote:
> Hi Tyler
> Yes it does.
> But if I would like to use the area which should be checked for content
> as an area for content elements in templaVoila I can't ude the
> lib.content can I?
> Tyler Kraft skrev:
>> Hi,
>> Does this work?
>> lib.element1 = COA
>> lib.element1 {
>> stdWrap.wrap = <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--> | <!--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->
>> # get the page content in some manner, either using CSC, content
>> object, a record object, etc
>> 10 < styles.content.get
>> 10.stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject = RECORDS
>> 10.stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject{
>> dontcheckPid = 1
>> tables = tt_content
>> source = 49
>> }
>> }
>> Jeppe Donslund wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I still have this question. I didn't finde anything useful.
>>> I just wna<!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--> | <!--TYPO3SEARCH_end--> t to know
>>> how to find out if there are any element at the page. If not. Take
>>> lement with pageid 47.
>>> Regards
>>> Jeppe D.
>>> Jeppe Donslund skrev:
>>>> I have fund this
>>>> 10 = COA
>>>> 10 {
>>>> #10 = TEXT
>>>> #10.value = This is the default content
>>>> 10 = RECORDS
>>>> 10.dontcheckPid = 1
>>>> 10.tables = tt_content
>>>> 10.source = 54
>>>> 10.if.isTrue.current = 1
>>>> 10.if.negate = 1
>>>> 20 = RECORDS
>>>> 20.source.current=1
>>>> 20.tables = tt_content
>>>> 20.stdWrap.if.isTrue.current = 1
>>>> wrap = <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin--> | <!--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->
>>>> }
>>>> It takes the content from Global elements but it doesn't show the
>>>> content from the actual page if it is present.
>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>> Jeppe
>>>> Peter Klein skrev:
>>>>> Hi Jeppe. You can use the "numRows" property to test if a DB lookup
>>>>> returns something or not.
>>>>> if.isTrue.numRows {
>>>>> table = tt_content
>>>>> select {
>>>>> pidInList = [ID OF PAGE WITH CE ELEMENT]
>>>>> where = uid=49
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> --
>>>>> Peter Klein
>>>>> On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 09:44:26 +0100, Jeppe Donslund <jd at webmasters.dk>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I would like to know if it is possible to check wether an area
>>>>>> contains elements or not.
>>>>>> I have 3 elements in the bottom of my page. The user can but
>>>>>> content in these elements but if they leave it empty on a page
>>>>>> TYPO3 should use content from an other page using this TypoScript:
>>>>>> lib.element1 = COA
>>>>>> lib.element1 {
>>>>>> 10 = RECORDS
>>>>>> 10.dontcheckPid = 1
>>>>>> 10.tables = tt_content
>>>>>> 10.source = 49
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I guess this is possible, I just don't know where to look for it :-)
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Jeppe Donslund
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