[TYPO3-english] new media content element and youtube link format
Krystian Szymukowicz
t33k.RE.MO.VE at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Sat Dec 12 01:52:15 CET 2009
Krystian Szymukowicz pisze:
> Steffen Kamper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Krystian Szymukowicz schrieb:
>>> For end user the easiest way is just to insert the url with "watch?"
>>> which he can copy from browser address bar or just copy from URL
>>> field next to movie.
>>> This is all I want to say: let it be as usable for end user as it can
>>> be.
>> you'll get this problem with each external videoplatform like
>> clipfish, vimeo etc. There is a way to explain it: each platform shows
>> the embed object, just copy the url from there.
> This is embeded html from vimeo. I am sure avarage end user will be
> scarred having to find a link he has to cut and paste into new media
> content element.
> <object width="400" height="225"><param name="allowfullscreen"
> value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param
> name="movie"
> value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=4167288&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=ffbf00&fullscreen=1"
> Have not you thought about making some kind of translators from the easy
> web browsers address bar urls to those embeded one?
I mean I enter easy to find:
and this is converted to
or whatever that works for vimeo.
Krystian Szymukowicz
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