[TYPO3-english] R: tt_news template selection (box) question
La Farge Douglas
doug at gcnpublishing.com
Thu Dec 3 17:44:00 CET 2009
Generally I do include my template that way. The problem is I have a page where I have a tt_news container LIST set up that requires different template designs. Thus for one or two I need to select a separate file.
I found the problem.
mpossnewssorting -
is causing the template selection box to change to the "old" version.
IS it fair to assume it should not do this? IS it a bug with mpossnewssorting? IF so do I report it or?
On Dec 3, 2009, at 9:33 AM, De Contardi Riccardo wrote:
> I don't remember exactly, but I think I've always seen the tt_news "copy template" box (I've not used the new version 3 yet). To avoid this...simply put the template path in Typoscript Setup instead of using the plugin interface
> plugin.tt_news.templateFile = fileadmin/path/to/your/template/tt_news.html
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: typo3-english-bounces at lists.typo3.org per conto di La Farge Douglas
> Inviato: gio 03/12/2009 17.31
> A: TYPO3 English
> Oggetto: Re: [TYPO3-english] tt_news template selection (box) question
> Hi Phillipp,
> I realize I can still update my template. But the problem is the old box makes a copy of it. I don't want to have to go tracking down copies in places other than my templates folder. We reuse our templates all the time for new sites. I'd just rather not make a mess of the whole situation.
> And why is it doing this? Why did it revert? Seems buggy.
> I have a new install of t3 4.2.10 and tt_news 3.0.1 running for a new site.
> The new "Template file reference" box is working for that install.
> Maybe there's another extension causing the bugginess?
> Has no one else seen this happen?
> thanks,
> doug
> On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:53 PM, Philipp Holdener wrote:
>> La Farge Douglas schrieb:
>>> I'm posting this again. I just upgraded to tt_news 3.0.1 and everything works fine however the behaviour I note below didn't change. To me that suggests there's a setting in typo3 I'm missing. or?
>>> Please try and help me understand something.
>>> older version of tt_news use to present the template select box as seen here:
>>> http://www.lafarge.net/old.png
>>> at some point (probably around mid-2008?) the new template selection box began to be presented like this:
>>> http://www.lafarge.net/new.png
>>> The biggest difference (that I am aware of) is that the former selection box made a copy of your template and thus you'd have to reselect it (the template) if you updated the original template. The latter did not behave this way. The latter is ideal in my assessment.
>>> Well, with my latest install of tt_news (2.5.2 [now 3.0.1]) and typo3 (4.2.10) the former selection box has returned.
>>> What's odd is other installations of t3 with the same tt_news/t3 version present the latter selection box.
>>> What did I do wrong (figure this has to be me)?
>>> thanks in advance,
>>> doug
>> hi doug
>> you can still update your html template.. just clear the cache and everything is fine.
>> You don't have to edit the plugin.
>> Greetings
>> Philipp
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Doug La Farge
GCN Publishing, Inc.
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