[TYPO3-english] Why to use Typo3 user management system and not your own?

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Fri Aug 28 19:11:04 CEST 2009


I tried to understand your story,

and as far as I underatnd it is that some third party developer
create a TYPO3 extension that does user management there own way...

If that is the case, then this is rather odd, they could just aswell  
the fe_users table, or create there own table sets and join against  

Your arguments against that third party extension seems valid to me,
but unless they have a REALLY good reason this sounds
like plain stupid.
The argument they gave " to avoid possible problems caused by third  
parties extensions"
doesn't sound valid to me. and I think the majority of the TYPO3  
never created a additional table to 'avoid possible foo/bar"

So, A agree with your doubts and thoughts in this.


On Aug 28, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Alina Fleser wrote:

> Hello to everybody,
> My question is why to use Typo3 user
> management system (frontend users) and not to create your own
> management system (with your own tables) when developing a website
> using Typo3?
> I hope for your support, as my situation is quite
> difficult! My company and an other company, both are working for the
> same client by developing 2 different websites (publishing websites
> with community functionality, for both the client requested  
> explicitely
> to use Typo3). The original agreement with the client is that we will
> use for the community part the extension / extensions developed by the
> second company (custom extension / extensions)  and we will adapt the
> templates to our project layout. When receiving one of the extensions,
> we were surprised to find implemented a new user management system:  
> new
> tables for fe_users with custom login, forgot password, account
> creation, profile, etc.
> I argumented that this is bad choice, using the flowing arguments:
> - the Typo3 permission checking on pages and content can't be used;
> -
> the Typo3 core will not interact with this custom user management
> system; the Typo3 core will not be aware of an authentified user of
> this kind;
> - no public extension will interact with this custom
> management system; no public extension will be aware of an  
> authentified
> user of this kind;
> - the Typo3 caching system is affected; As they
> are a small number of user groups on the site, the typo3 caching for
> user groups could be a solution for a good page time rendering; By
> using a custom user management system, the Typo3 caching system will
> not interact ore be aware of an authentified user.
> I also
> received an answer to my arguments: from the begining of the project
> their team planned to not use Typo3 users system to avoid possible
> problems caused by third parties extensions; they consider that having
> their own custom user system offers better control.
> As
> you imagine, I don't want this kind of extension on "our" site (as,
> also, no Typo3 coding guideline was respected  or at least taken into
> account). Unfortunately I'm blocked by their answer.
> I hope for you to help me with some undoubtedly arguments and some  
> good ideas.
> Thanks in advance,
> Alina Fleser
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			regards, Ries van Twisk

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