[TYPO3-english] strange RealURL with fixedPostVars behaviour?

Hauke Hain newgrp at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 15 15:19:26 CEST 2009

Hi there,

in the fixedPostVars section I have an array with lookUpTable.

If I use
    'alias_field'           => 'concat(prename, " ", surname)'
it works on my testserver and on my live server.

But if I use
    'alias_field'           => 'concat(prename, " ", middename, " ", 
it works only on my testserver.

I debugges both:
My testserver returns the uid, but
my live server returns the value of the alias_field (the string returned 
from the database 'concat(prename, " ", middename, " ", surname)')..

In both cases I use RealURL 1.5.3.

Any guess why that could happen?

Kind regards,

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