[TYPO3-english] Include script in backend head
* k-do *
kdokdo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 09:50:03 CEST 2009
I totally agree, Typo3 it's complicated but it would be so much easier to
use with a good documentation. Without it it's impossible to make a good
product from it. I've been reading manuals and manuals and all of them seem
to be prehistoric.
2009/8/7 Peter Klein <pmk at io.dk>
> "Jigal van Hemert" <jigal at xs4all.nl> wrote in message
> news:mailman.1.1249587591.27405.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> > Peter Klein wrote:
> >> The manuals haven't been updated in several years. (I guess it's more
> >> profitable to write books), so you'l have to dig into the core source if
> >> you really want to understand TYPO3.
> >
> > I don't think it's a matter of books being profitable. If there is only
> > electronic documentation available people start asking "isn't there a
> > good book?", if there are mailing lists and newsgroup people start asking
> > about a forum, ...
> A search on www.amazon.de, gives me a result of 65 TYPO3 books!, so there
> must be some reason why people write books rater than opdating the official
> documentation!
> http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_ss_w?__mk_de_DE=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=typo3&x=0&y=0
> If you look at the official TYPO3 documentation, then you'll see that some
> of the major docs, haven't ben updated in 5-6 years!
> Backend Programming - last update: 29.11.2002 23:29
> Frontend Programming - last update: 29.11.2002 23:29
> TypoScript Templates - last update: 30.11.2002 03:36
> doc_tut_quickstart - last update: 22.07.2004 17:55
> Basic Extension Tutorial - last update: 26.07.2004 20:09
> If you are really good at googling, you might discover pages like this,
> where you can find stuff that have been added the last 1-2 years, but still
> haven't made it to the manuals.
> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Pending_Documentation
> > There are loads of places where anyone can help out: reporting issues,
> > testing issues, programming, testing patches, writing documentation,
> > helping people on mailing lists, etc.
> Reporting issues on bugtracker doesn't have much effect. Bugs I (and
> others)
> have reported several years ago, still exist in present TYPO3 versions.
> Just
> try sorting the bugs by date, and you'll get the picture.
> It looks like there's more interest in adding new features to TYPO3, rather
> than fixing old bugs. :(
> > So, if you feel that the documentation isn't up-to-date anymore you are
> > welcome to make a new version of that document, or write documentation on
> > something that hasn't been covered yet!
> How do you expect someone (except the core team) to write better/updated
> documentation, if they don't know of the new features?
> --
> Peter Klein
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