[TYPO3-english] Login on tt_news SINGLE view

Markus Deckmann Markus.Deckmann79 at web.de
Tue Aug 4 18:27:47 CEST 2009

Hi Bernd,

> as the news-id is neccessary you have to provide it with your login form.
> normaly the news-id is transmitted in the url and the login-form is a 
> POST-form, TYPO3 does not differ between GET and POST but join them into 
> one internal array.
> You can enhance the action-url with the news-id, but some browsers does 
> not forward GET-paramter with a POST-form. 
> So the solution is to enhance the form with a hidden field with the news-
> id.

Is it a solution if I use _DEFAULT_PI_VARS for transport the parameters 
from the SINGLE-view of tt_news to the newloginbox-extension?

Bye Markus

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