[TYPO3-english] GIFBUILDER .niceText reverses fontColor and backColor

Jason Lefkowitz jason at jasonlefkowitz.net
Thu Oct 9 17:04:30 CEST 2008

Hey everybody...

Here's some TypoScript I'm using to get GIFBUILDER to automatically 
generate a JPEG containing the title of the current page:

lib.footer = IMAGE
lib.footer.altText.data = page : title
lib.footer.file = GIFBUILDER
lib.footer.file { 	
   XY = 650,500
   backColor = red
   10 = TEXT
   10.fontColor = green
   10.text.data = page : title
   10.text.case = upper
   10.fontSize = 60
   10.fontFile = fileadmin/templates/final/fonts/Gotham-Medium.otf
   10.offset = 50,50


It works fine, EXCEPT that the foreground and background colors of the 
JPEG are reversed. In other words, I had expected this would produce 
green text ("10.fontColor = green") on a red background ("backColor = 
red"). Instead, though, it produces RED text on a GREEN background.

If I turn off niceText (by removing the line "10.niceText = 1"), 
however, it renders correctly -- green text on red background.

So my question is this -- why would activating niceText switch the two 
colors around? TSRef doesn't mention anything like this for that 
property. Is this a bug in GIFBUILDER? Or am I missing something somewhere?

-- Jason Lefkowitz

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