[TYPO3] tt_news RSS feed

Lamb, Brian blamb at jcvi.org
Mon Oct 6 16:59:50 CEST 2008

Hello all, 


I am having a bit of difficulty with the RSS portion of the tt_news
extension. I am able to correctly generate a feed but am having 2


1)       ###NEWS_AUTHOR### is not displayed and it is referenced in the
template file

2)       xmlLink does not seem to work. I set xmlLink to
http://www.mysite.org/cms/press but the article link generated is

3)       Several of my listings are to external URLs. A few of these are
prepended with an additional http:// 


My TypoScript is below:

plugin.tt_news {

  archiveMode = year

  useHRDates = 1

  archiveTitleCObject.10 {

    if.value.date = Y

    if.equals.data = GPvar:tx_ttnews|year

    strftime = %Y

    wrap = |


  archiveTitleCObject.20 {

    if.value.date = Y

    if.equals.data = GPvar:tx_ttnews|year

    strftime = %Y





plugin.tt_news {

  archiveMode = year

  useHRDates = 1

  archiveTitleCObject.10 {

    if.value.date = Y

    if.equals.data = GPvar:tx_ttnews|year

    strftime = %Y

    wrap = |


  archiveTitleCObject.20 {

    if.value.date = Y

    if.equals.data = GPvar:tx_ttnews|year

    strftime = %Y




# Configure tt_news to display the xml template 

plugin.tt_news {

  displayXML {

    rss2_tmplFile = fileadmin/template/main/rss_templates/press_rss.tmpl


    # possibile values: rss091 / rss2 / rdf / atom03 / atom1  

    xmlFormat = rss2


    xmlTitle = My site: Press Releases

    xmlLink = http://www.mysite.org/cms/press/

    xmlLang = en

    xmlDesc =

    title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1

    title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1

    subheader_stdWrap.stripHtml = 1

    subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1

    subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1

    subheader_stdWrap.crop = 100 | ... | 1

    xmlLastBuildDate = 1





## This enables the xml news feed

xmlnews = PAGE

xmlnews {

  typeNum = 100


  10 >

  10 < plugin.tt_news

  10.pid_list = 67

  10.categorySelection = 19, 33, 34


  # show only selected categories

  10.categoryMode = 1


  10.defaultCode = XML


  config {

    disableAllHeaderCode = 1

    additionalHeaders = Content-type:text/xml

    no_cache = 1

    xhtml_cleaning = 0



## To get an additional RDF feed add the following

rdffeed = PAGE

rdffeed < xmlnews

rdffeed {

 10.displayXML.xmlFormat = rdf

 10.displayXML.xmlIcon = fileadmin/feed_icon_88x31.gif

 typeNum = 101



## To get an additional Atom 0.3 feed add the following

atom03feed = PAGE

atom03feed < xmlnews

atom03feed {

 10.displayXML.xmlFormat = atom03

 typeNum = 102


## To get an additional Atom 1.0 feed add the following

atom1feed = PAGE

atom1feed < xmlnews

atom1feed {

  10.displayXML.xmlFormat = atom1

  typeNum = 103



Any assistance with this issue would be greatly appreciated. 




Brian Lamb

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