[TYPO3-english] A FE Ext Manager? (without installation feature)

Elijah Alcantara elijah.alcantara at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 10:15:07 CET 2008


Something like both the TER & extension manager.

@tt_news? : should work.. but the customer should only be able to search 
serial numbers and not keywords from the news item. They should only 
have access to the serial number they own, so what's required is 1 
search result only.


Peter at Eifel wrote:
> Elijah Alcantara schrieb:
>> I am looking for a fe extension that should work almost the same as the
>> ext manager:
> You think of the TER at typo3.org/extensions, not the extension manager,
> do you?
> I don't know an extension doing this.
> But I guess you have to think of diverend objects you want to "reveal".
> It is pretty simple to code an individual extension which does that.
> Or you use tt_news (the allround extension :-D). There you can add
> texts, pics, files, links to a newsitem. Just add the serialnumber to
> the header field. Then have one page containing the single view and
> another page where you insert a search form. Done :-D. The Q+D way.
> Peter
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