[TYPO3-english] Extension "pagebrowse": please, add extension TypoScript template to the main TypoScript template.
Hauke Meyer
meyer at visionconnect.de
Mon Nov 10 17:48:11 CET 2008
Hi Dominik,
may be your not dump ;-). There is something strange inside the
documentation. I've got the same problem and started my debug-mode:
I presume you are using the godlike mnogosearch-Extension:
The (pagebrowse)documentation said:
Using page browser
Using page browser from another extension is easy. The example code is:
protected function getListGetPageBrowser($numberOfPages) {
// Get default configuration
$conf = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_pagebrowse_pi1.'];
Dmitries (the author of mnogosearch and pagebrowse) mnogosearch-
programming uses
protected function getPageBrowser($numberOfPages) {
$pageBrowserKind = $this->pObj->conf['search.']['pageBrowser'];
$pageBrowserConfig = (array) $this->pObj->conf['search.']['pageBrowser.'];
I don't like to patch his code, so I choose the hard way for a quick &
dirty solution.
just add something like this to your plugin.tx_mnogosearch_pi1
TS-Template: (this is the content of the static-template)
# USER_INT support
includeLibs = EXT:pagebrowse/class.tx_pagebrowser_pi1.php
userFunc = tx_pagebrowse_pi1->main
# Template file
templateFile = {$plugin.tx_pagebrowse_pi1.templateFile}
# Extra parameters to the query string. Must start with & if
not empty
extraQueryString =
# Number of page links to show before the current page
pagesBefore = 3
# Number of page links to show before the current page
pagesAfter = 3
# GET variable name for page pointer. Examples: "page" or
"tx_exykey_pi1|page". Notice that array separator is pipe (one level only!)
pageParamName = tx_pagebrowse_pi1|page
# Enables section for "more" pages. This section is shown after
links to next pages, normally like three dots (1 2 3 ...). Notice that
you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.
enableMorePages = 1
# Enables section for "less" pages. This section is shown after
links to next pages, normally like three dots (1 2 3 ...) Notice that
you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.
enableLessPages = 1
Hope that helps...
Dominik Schmich schrieb:
> Hi List,
> I feel kind of dump! As you can see in the subject, the extension
> "pagebrowse" requires me to add the TypoScript template to the main
> TypoScript template. I went to my main template, added within the
> "Include static (from extensions)" part the pagebrowse element and
> cleared all cache. What am I doeing wrong?
> Here is some information which might help:
> Typo3: 4.2.1
> pagebrowse: 1.0.0
> PHP: 5.2.0
> Apache 2
> mySQL: 5.0.32
> Cheers,
> Dominik
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