[TYPO3-english] IndexedSearch vs mnoGoSearch & PowerSearch

Vahan Amirbekyan vamirbekyan at dgfoundation.org
Sat Nov 8 06:05:31 CET 2008

great news! 4 times is promissing. Would be good to know what exactly was 
improved so to understand use cases covered by the enhencment.
where can I see estimate for the release? what the roadmap tells about the 
release date of 4.3?
I always had hard time to follow changes.

thanks again

"Ingo Renner" <ingo at typo3.org> wrote in message 
news:mailman.1.1226003759.20650.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Vahan Amirbekyan wrote:
> Hi Vahan,
>> I started looking around and found two options to consider to replace 
>> indexed_search with:
>> 1. mnoGoSearch (mnogosearch) by Dmitry Dulepov
>> 2. PowerSearch (powersearch) by Knut Moeller and Norbert Sendetzky
> 3. Or you could wait for TYPO3 4.3 which will speed up indexed_search by 
> approximately 4 times if that's an option for you
> Ingo
> -- 
> Ingo Renner
> TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2 

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