[TYPO3] shortcut to specific part of a page

lesm nospam at please.com
Tue May 13 15:33:02 CEST 2008

Katja, you're right, that's the reason why I don't see the anchor tab. 
As I said I don't need it, so I prefer not to install it.  The less ext 
you have the better.

Katja Lampela wrote:
> Hi Lesm,
> Do you have the ext required installed? tkr_rteanchors
> - Katja
> lesm kirjoitti:
>> Søren and Lin,
>> It would be great to know if Lin can see the anchor tab.
>> I do not create anchors from the RTE cause almost all my pages are 
>> fetched html files. For that reason I have created some anchors 
>> manually only. But now that we are discussing about anchors I realized 
>> that I can't see the Anchor tab in the links popup windows called by 
>> the RTE. I only see Page, File, External URL and Email tabs. Now, if I 
>> create the anchor manually I'm able to see the red arrow. I don't know 
>> the reason of this misbehavior, but I suppose it's something related 
>> to the RTE configuration. However, since I don't use that feature I 
>> don't care much about it, but it might be healthy to know the reason. 
>> BTW, I'm running Typo3 4.1.6 and and htmlArea RTE 1.5.5 and also 4.2.0 
>> and RTE 1.7.4.
>> So, if Lin can't see the anchor tab, like me, I'm afraid that he will 
>> be unable to create anchors/links from the RTE.
>> Please enlight me if I'm wrong.
>> Thanks
>> Søren Vedel wrote:
>>> Hi Lin,
>>> I'll try to give you instructions on the use:
>>> When you make a link, you have to highlight some text in RTE.
>>> Then you click the globe.
>>> Now you should see a new tab in the pop-up called "Anker" (it's 
>>> danish and means anchor).
>>> So if you need to MAKE an anchor somewhere, this is what to do.
>>> But if you need to link to an existing anchor, you must choose the 
>>> Page tab, and instead of just clicking the page title, you shall 
>>> click the little red arrow to the of the page title.
>>> Then you will discover all the anchors on the given page.
>>> This is all I think.
>>> Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards
>>> Søren Vedel
>>> www.mocsystems.com
>>> www.mocsystems.com/blog/
>>> LinTong wrote:
>>>> to Søren Vedel Thanks for your suggestion. form the description i 
>>>> think this extension is what i want. But I have installed but can 
>>>> not find any change of BE user interface and i don't know how to use 
>>>> it because not manuel.In addition, if the target anchor is not page 
>>>> content but dynamic created, is the extension works well?
>>>> thanks all very much
>>>>> From: soren at mocsystems.com> Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 21:19:00 -0300> 
>>>>> To: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de> Subject: Re: [TYPO3] 
>>>>> shortcut to specific part of a page> > Hi Xavier,> > I agree. But 
>>>>> I've used this extension a few times with success.> > It's always 
>>>>> hard to use those extensions without manual, because you > have to 
>>>>> do a lot of experiments, but there's many good extensions in TER > 
>>>>> with a missing manual, and besides, I am happy that they exist :-)> 
>>>>> > > Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards> > Søren Vedel> 
>>>>> www.mocsystems.com> www.mocsystems.com/blog/> > Xavier Perseguers 
>>>>> wrote:> > Hi Søren> > > >> Take a look at this extension:> >>> >> 
>>>>> tkr_rteanchors> >>> >> It might be what you are looking for.> > > > 
>>>>> Our answers interleaved :-)> > > > I'm not sure this extension is 
>>>>> what Lin is looking for but personnaly I > > would like to get a 
>>>>> documentation of this extension, this is not cool > > that the 
>>>>> author did not create it. Anyway, we have to wait for Lin > > 
>>>>> answering one o
>>> f our post.> > > > Regards> > > 
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