[TYPO3] implementing hooks
Ivan Kartolo
ivan.kartolo at dkd.de
Mon May 12 23:23:02 CEST 2008
try to move your code from ext_localconf to ext_tables.php
Παναγιώτης Κονταξής schrieb:
> Hello list,
> To implement an available hook I have to create a new extension.
> In kickstarter wizard I added a record only in General Info section (not in
> New Database Tables or Frontend plugins etc) and then I wrote and installed
> the new extension.
> Then I created the ext_localconf.php file manually (kickstarter didn't
> create this file) in extension's folder and I added this line (as I read in
> extension's manual)
> $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['wfqbe']['preProcessQueryStructure'][]='EXT:hookextension/res/class.tx_wfqbe_preprocessquery.php:tx_wfqbe_preprocessquery';
> Finally I created the class.tx_wfqbe_preprocessquery.php in
> /typo3conf/ext/hookextension/res folder (with copy paste from wfqbe's
> manual)
> But hook function is never called by the extension!!
> Can you help me find where is the fault, or can you tell me where can I find
> a tutorial for newbies about hooks ? (I 'm not an extension developer).
> Thank you.
> Panagiotis
> **
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