[TYPO3] Some CoolURI questions

Jan Bednarik info at bednarik.org
Sat May 10 14:58:07 CEST 2008


I was on vacation, so I couldn't answer sooner. BTW any of you folks 
have been to Djerba Tunis, Calimera Yati Beach? Many Germans go there :).

> I don't see why the backpid parameter is a predefinedpart and not an 
> uripart like his tt_news brothers and sisters in the uriparts or visa 
> versa.

If you want to completely remove the paramter, you put it into 
predefined without a key. As predefined require a key and don't have 
any, nothing is generated. On the other hand, uriparts don't require 
key, so the value is appended to URL as it is.

> BTW Has the Uri element (manual 7.11) not to be used? I've not found it 
> in the default and example files.

Well, the default file is a bit of a mess and needs to be rewritten. 
You're right, it's not neccessary here at all.

> Why is, in the example above, the cHash parameter not a part in 
> removeparts. Because the cHash has no (additional) value in the URI as 
> far as I understand your manual.

Because if you remove cHash, tt_news and other cached stuff stop working 
and there are many questinons about it from folks who don't read the 
manual. FYI see manual :).


Jan Bednarik
www.bednarik.org - web about Typo3 in czech

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