[TYPO3] Typoscript: try to use a IF in IMG_RESOURCE construct

Patrick Rodacker patrick.rodacker at the-reflection.de
Fri May 9 15:28:54 CEST 2008

Hi Andre,

Andre Dittmar wrote on 07.05.2008 18:49:

> Now if a static graphic exists, it will be shown. But unfortunately, the 
> subtitle isn't considered if no static graphic exists. It must be the 
> "if"-part in the code, I guess. If I set the if in the first part for 
> the subtitle, it will always show a subtitle (as far at is exists) and 
> never the static graphic.
> I already tried it with a CASE-construct, but it won't work either... 
> :-/ Maybe someone has an idea about that?

> ---
> page.5 = LOAD_REGISTER
> page.5 {
>   adRegisterHeadline.cObject = COA
>   adRegisterHeadline.cObject {
>     10 = IMG_RESOURCE
>     10 {
>       stdWrap.wrap = style="background-image:url(|);"
>       file = GIFBUILDER
>       file {
>         XY = [10.w]+4,[10.h]+4
>         backColor = #888888
>         transparentBackground = 0
>         10 = TEXT
>         10 {
>           text.data = page:subtitle
>           text.case = upper
>           fontSize = 20px
>           fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/UniversLTStd-Cn.otf
>           fontColor = #F3F3F3
>           offset = 0,20
>           niceText = 1
>         }
>       }
>     }
>     10 {
>       if.isTrue.field = tx_salmetextpages_graph_headline
>       stdWrap.wrap = style="background-image:url(|);"
>       file >
>       file {
>         import = uploads/tx_salmetextpages/
>         import.field = tx_salmetextpages_graph_headline
>       }
>       required = 1
>     }
>   }
> }

you declare only one object in COA definitione (10) which gets rendered 
only if the field tx_salmetextpages_graph_headline is selected. So 
that's why the the subtitle never will be shown.

You could use the override setting of the stdWrap [1] function to load 
the static image, or you could use a second object (20) for the static 
image with the current if-clause and extend the first object with a 
negated if-clause.

Please try for yourself first and come back if you are not successful, 
that's the best way to learn ;-)



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