[TYPO3] cc_awstats and Geo::IP
Michael Niemann
xml.transformator at yahoo.com
Thu May 8 10:08:28 CEST 2008
first you need to install the perl module (just as you would with any other perl module).
Then you edit typo3conf/ext/cc_awstats/awstats/awstats.conf.
Add or remove comment from this line:
LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat"
Of course you need to download the GeoIP.dat and change the path accordingly.
You can setup a chronjob to update this file monthly.
Hope it helps
Katja Lampela <katja.lampela at lieska.net> wrote: Hi all,
I would like to activate the country statistics (from which country the
visitor is) in awstats and I tried to activate geoip in
*awstats/awstats.conf* file. The conf file states: Perl modules
required: Geo::IP (from Maxmind).
My question as a quite novice in server business is: could this be
installed in the server (maybe by me) and where and would it be used by
this cc_awstats which seem to be independent of the server's awstats(?).
Thank you for any input!
- Katja
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