[TYPO3] Documentation by TYPO3 / pipeline / Andreas Becker

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Wed Mar 19 18:36:45 CET 2008

> On the other hand we get a problem with this solution: everybody has to 
> care for the pagebreaks manually. We have 1735 manuals in the moment in 
> TER, each has 10 to 200 pages.

Now things are moving, probably because we talk technique and 
not management.  ;-)

I agree with Daniel, this IS a problem. Me myself don't produce 
the text for my Typo3 web pages within Typo3 itself, simply 
because it does not give me enought flexibility or usability.

The idea is great, but I fear people will not find it 
useful/easy enought. As I have said before, the tool is not the 
most important thing and why then should we change?

I also fear that this will be yet another tool for 
documentation. Is it really possibly to write all documents like 
this? And if not, is it of benefit for the whole community to 
use yet another documentation tool for just a part of the 
documentation? And can we convert the text into anything other 
than PDF?

Sorry to be so negative, but I feel that some people get carried 
away and maybe(?) forget what is important - it is not the tool 
that will give us better documentation...

Strangly enough, most major documentation discussions end up 
with discussions about documentation tools or formats. When I 
started there was a separate web site for documentation set up. 
It never got used. Then later there was a discussion about 
DocBook vs SXW vs wiki (I think). And now we have the Typo3 vs 
OO discussion.

And in the background, people do not worry about this but go on 
writing new wiki and OO documents without any(?) coordination...

;-)  :-)

/Peter Kindström

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