[TYPO3] Documentation nightmare
Andreas Becker
ab.becker at web.de
Tue Mar 18 03:38:49 CET 2008
Hi Virgil
Actually most of it iis already available in TER and working stable in
production sites.
IMHO we only need to put everything together on a "separate" documentation
TYPO3 installation.
Perhaps Dennis Krannich (Developer from pipeline)
could help setting up a propper pipeline installation
Peter could create the necessary structure
We need someone to figure out a useful user/rights structure - we should use
the same logindata as typo3.org but developers should be able to determine
there own coauthors/coeditors
Steffen Kamper could be helpful with his sk_codebox
dito with all needed extenions
actually we would need only ONE Day for a general online meeting
search TER for useful extensions (can be made in advance)
discuss them - at the meeting and hopefully Dennis will be available too to
let us know how to integrate it in pipeline
After this the whole stuff could be build together
We would need someone making a nice CI for THE TYPO3 BOOK
Test it
I guess if we use the potential of the community - especially their
developers who developed the extensions we would need to setup such a TYPO3
BOOK - this could be ready at the same time like the relaunch of TYPO3
1. The MOST IMPORTANT thing to get things done now would be to make
the decision to USE TYPO3
2. Start setting up a TYPO3 using pipeline with Dennis
3. Getting the user/rights stuff working - dito some workflow - I
guess Peter could help here very good with his ideas
4. Get the extension developers with the additional extensions we
would need to implement their stuff
5. Let Reinhard Fuehricht implement the Page wizard from TYPOhead
6. Peter will create the DEMO structure for each Extension
7. Stanislas Rolland could help with implementing the language stuff
8. The people from outraxx could implement tinyrte (configure it very
strict so that we will get a good CI)
9. Perhaps Georg Ringer has some nice ideas how to implement the
additional content like tutorial videos and other "live content (not for
publishing) using the rgmoodalbox
10. Get someone creating a A4/Letter fit layout for the BOOK Pages
11. and we would be hopefully ready to start
No Training at all would be needed as all TYPO3 Extension Developers already
work with TYPO3
No additional Software would be needed as TYPO3 already comes along with all
we would need
No Licence Costs as it is GNU ... OK you know all the benefits of TYPO3 so
please use it!
But as said FIRST OF ALL we would need the definitive decission to USE TYPO3
and also stop discussing other solution and instead investing the ideas and
time in the idea of USING TYPO3!
It is like with many good ideas - most of them get lost because there is
nobody making a decision to go with these ideas!
Who is the responsible person / democratic group to make the decision?
When will the decision be made?
Who will coordinate the TYPO3 effort and contact all needed people asap?
Answer these three questions and START
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