[TYPO3] RSS2 from tt_news
Jeppe Donslund
jd at webmasters.dk
Mon Mar 17 18:39:05 CET 2008
Ack so!
That was so much better.
Thank you very musch for your time.
Jeppe D.
Patrick Schlaepfer skrev:
> I'm not sure if your tt_news entries, not the
> page where they are displayed, is id=48
> Normaly there is a "sysfolder" where the tt_news
> are stored, you should use this page_id, not the
> one where the news are displayed.
>> Hi,
>> The normal page is: http://adoption.donslund.net/index.php?id=48
>> The RSS-page: http://adoption.donslund.net/index.php?id=48&type=100
>> Isn't it the right way to do it?
>> Jeppe D
>> Patrick Schlaepfer skrev:
>>> What is your URL to get the RSS-Feed?
>>> Should be something like
>>> http://www.xyz.ch/index.php?id=<where_your_tt_news_records_are>&type=102
>>> You could try to hardcode the pid_list:
>>> 10.pid_list = <where_your_tt_news_records_are>
>>> and set it to your pid where you store your tt_news
>>> entries.
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The list-page is showing averything correctly, so I think everything is
>>>> setup right.
>>>> Patrick, I have tried your code. It gives me a correct XML, but there
>>>> are still no news in it. And the last build date is still 01.01.1970.
>>>> I don't get it.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jeppe D.
>>>> Patrick Schlaepfer skrev:
>>>>> Here is my working
>>>>> # Configure tt_news to display the xml template
>>>>> plugin.tt_news {
>>>>> displayXML {
>>>>> rss091_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/rss_0_91.tmpl
>>>>> rss2_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/rss_2.tmpl
>>>>> # xmlFormat = rss2
>>>>> # possibile values: rss091 / rss2 /
>>>>> # (planning: rdf / atom)
>>>>> xmlLimit = 10
>>>>> xmlCaching = 1
>>>>> xmlTitle = <put your title here>
>>>>> xmlLink = <put your url here>
>>>>> xmlDesc = Latest News
>>>>> xmlLang = de
>>>>> xmlIcon = fileadmin/layout1/pics/tt_news_article.gif
>>>>> title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
>>>>> title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1
>>>>> subheader_stdWrap.stripHtml = 1
>>>>> subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
>>>>> subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1
>>>>> subheader_stdWrap.crop = 100 | ... | 1
>>>>> subheader_stdWrap.ifEmpty.field = bodytext
>>>>> xmlLastBuildDate = 1
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> And include static: News-Feed (RSS, RDF, ATOM)
>>>>> SETUP:
>>>>> rss2 = PAGE
>>>>> rss2 {
>>>>> typeNum = 100
>>>>> #Leeren von 10
>>>>> 10 >
>>>>> #Befüllen mit tt_news
>>>>> 10 < plugin.tt_news
>>>>> #Leeren von pid_list
>>>>> 10.pid_list >
>>>>> #Wert für pid_list aus den Constanten
>>>>> 10.pid_list = {$plugin.tt_news.pid_list}
>>>>> #Wert für singlepid aus den Constanten
>>>>> 10.singlePid = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}
>>>>> 10.defaultCode = XML
>>>>> #Format festlegen - hier rss2
>>>>> 10.displayXML.xmlFormat = rss2
>>>>> config {
>>>>> disableAllHeaderCode = 1
>>>>> additionalHeaders = Content-type:text/xml
>>>>> no_cache = 1
>>>>> xhtml_cleaning = 0
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> rss091 = PAGE
>>>>> rss091 < rss2
>>>>> rss091 {
>>>>> typeNum = 101
>>>>> 10.displayXML.xmlFormat = rss091
>>>>> }
>>>>> rdffeed = PAGE
>>>>> rdffeed < rss2
>>>>> rdffeed {
>>>>> typeNum = 102
>>>>> 10.displayXML.xmlFormat = rdf
>>>>> #ggf. noch ein Feedimage vergeben
>>>>> #10.displayXML.xmlIcon = fileadmin/templates/img/rdf.gif
>>>>> }
>>>>> atom1 = PAGE
>>>>> atom1 < rss2
>>>>> atom1 {
>>>>> typeNum = 103
>>>>> 10.displayXML.xmlFormat = atom1
>>>>> }
>>>>>> Are you sure you set all the TT_news settings correctly? Things like
>>>>>> LIST, order, category filter, etc?
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> Jeppe Donslund wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi list
>>>>>>> I am trying to get a RSS2 feed out of tt_news.
>>>>>>> I have followed the manual and also this tut:
>>>>>>> http://www.mcuniverse.com/TT_News-as-RSS-Feed.1660.0.html
>>>>>>> But my RSS is empty and the Last Build Date is 1. janyary 1970.
>>>>>>> How can that be?
>>>>>>> Can anyone help?
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Jeppe Donslund
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