[TYPO3] Documentation nightmare
Dan Osipov
dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Sat Mar 15 20:39:36 CET 2008
> What books did you try as beginners-guide?
The first book I read was "Building Websites with TYPO3" by Michael
Peacock. It was a very basic introduction. Then I read through the
guides on the main documentation page (inside Typo3, modern template
building, etc). Those confused the heck out of me, and I had to reread
them several times!
> Would it help you if we had a matrix in TER what shows the grade you
> need for each manual?
> I see these steps of learners:
> * beginner/newcommer/newbee/rookie
> * intermediate learner
> * advanced learner
> * advanced/sophisticated
> * professional
Yes it would help, very much!
Daniel Bruessler wrote:
> Hello Dan,
>> I am going through the same thing you have Dmitry, and am extremely
>> frustrated, like many others. I think there should be a guide, that
>> explains things in order, and gets more complex as it goes, building
>> up in previous material. This will eliminate the problem of doing
>> tutorials without really understanding the logic behind them.
> thank you for sharing your thoughts. The problem of beginners is that
> the tutorials are mainly for advanced learners or professionals.
> Cheers!
> Daniel
>> Dan
>> Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Peter Kindström wrote:
>>>> Look what other CMS:es has got, for example I found this 10 seconds
>>>> after visiting http://help.joomla.org/
>>>> -----------
>>>> Official Documentation
>>>> * The Official Joomla! 1.5 Help Screens
>>>> * The Official Installation Manual for Joomla! 1.5
>>>> * The Official User Manual for Joomla! 1.5
>>>> * The Official Administrator Manual for Joomla! 1.5
>>>> * Other related guides and reference material ...
>>>> -----------
>>>> This is what I believe Typo3 is missing and should be putting effort
>>>> on! And that is what I think the docTeam should concentrate on. Even
>>>> if I think your work also are needed.
>>> Good point!
>>> When I started with TYPO3 I tried to follow tutorials, which I did
>>> mechanically without real understanding what I do. Next I tried TS by
>>> example, which I could not understand either. Next I tried MTB and
>>> found that it looks logical but still too complex. FTB was much
>>> better (may be because TV is much easier). But I still it would be
>>> perfect to have small simple tutorials. May be even "How to" or
>>> "TYPO3 for dummies".
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