[TYPO3] Documentation nightmare
Peter Kindström
peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Fri Mar 14 19:20:49 CET 2008
Hi Dmitry
> I do not really like wiki. I prefer to use a word processor (OO). It
> gives the feeling of document. Wiki does not look serious for me (I
> understand that I am wrong but such feeling are hard to resist).
> OOWriter has versioning feature, so it should be possible to switch
> between versions if necessary...
Well, _I_ dont think it matters if you use OO. The down side is
that it may be more difficult to cooperate. But then we have
Google Docs?
On the other hand you usually have to do the work yourself. ;-)
And then it would not be a problem at all working with OO or any
other word processor.
The docTeam should (if not already done?) have tools for
converting different doc formats (say OO) to the preferred Typo3
doc format. Then it does not matter what format/word processor
you as a writer use, the important thing is to get the job done!
Oh, and I still think the wiki should be used only for work in
progress. OO, DocBook or web pages should be used for final
/Peter Kindström
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