[TYPO3] Deleteing tt_news articles

Francois Suter fsuter at cobweb.ch
Fri Mar 14 14:49:44 CET 2008


> So must I periodically check the database and delete things from  
> it? Or does
> TYPO3 have a sort of Rubbish bin like on your desktop, where I can  
> go and
> restore the items or really delete them if I wish?

About that I'm unsure. I am still waiting for an opportunity to try  
the low-level clean up script, but I don't know if it can clean up  
that sort of thing.

Otherwise there are extensions that do such work as real delete or  
restore. Just check the TER and search for "delete" or similar  
keywords. I remember using mk_wastebasket to restore deleted items  
and it worked fine, although it is  a bit old.


François Suter

Cobweb Development Sàrl

Rue Eugène-Marziano 15, CH-1227 Les Acacias (Geneva - Switzerland)
T: +41 22 880 00 93, F: +41 22 880 00 94, E: support at cobweb.ch
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