[TYPO3] Documentation nightmare
Andreas Becker
ab.becker at web.de
Fri Mar 14 06:16:47 CET 2008
Hi Dan
Discussion and Versioning and especially collaborating in differnt ways is
also possible with the mentioned solutions above + it is much easier to put
the complete manual/tutorial afterwards always in its newest Version into
the extensions.
Everyone who develops extensions and HAS to write therfore manuals needs
open openoffice to create the manuals and actually those are also the people
we are looking for to write the manuals. In other words OpenOffice is
already some kind of standard for the TYPO3 documentation ;-)
The problem with links inside documents is absolutly right but this will
happen the same way in OO as in a Wiki as people don't take care for the
pages the link points to. i.e. have a look to wikipedia and see how many
links are simply pointing simply to empty pages ;-) Ok they have a reminder
"you could be the first one starting this article".
100% of Extension documentation is been created in OO Format as the
extensions and TYPO3 are reading only OO - i.e. the backend extension
viewer. So why should we do things twice or loose things thru conversions
and so on. Also on the mentioned OOOnline Pages you can alsways collaborate
with only a certain number of people (Professionals - extension developer
itself, co-author for the tutorial and some kind of Chef Editor who checks
the general Layout like mentioned from Peter (Strukture ...)
There would be also another REAL TYPO3 solution which would enable people to
collaborate and even upload word or oo formats. Try out the extension
pipeline and create a REAL TYPO3 Online Book with it. It is a great project
and already in use and supported by EU afaik. This would be a real TYPO3
The CHEF Editor (i.e. Peter) would setup the strukture and for each new
extension another subsection. This would automatically be added into the
index (sitemap) The Pages in pipeline are fixed to A4 size which makes it
very easy to have a wysiwig look in TYPO3 and the same afterwards in your
PDF. Another Plus would be to printout sections as PDF and "sell" them the
same sell a BIG complete "PDF" with everything in there.
Translations could be managed in a TYPO3 style and printed out separatly. We
could even connect those created content to LIVING Content like
Audio/Video/Flash - Opening up in Lightboxes using one of Georgs extensions.
Why using other software when TYPO3 has already such great extensions like
pipeline to create whole books in a collaborative style online. This would
be REAL TYPO3 ;-)
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