[TYPO3] Installing ImageMagick on a Unix Webserver Provider Strato
Dietmar von Schuetz
typo3 at dvschuetz.de
Sun Mar 9 18:53:28 CET 2008
Am 09.03.2008, 13:01 Uhr, schrieb bernd wilke <xoonsji02 at sneakemail.com>:
> on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 23:41:28 +0100, Dietmar von Schuetz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a problem getting ImageMagick to run on the Webspace-Providers
>> Server.
>> What I did:
>> I unzipped the archive ImageMagick-sparc-sun-solaris2.10.tar.gz to the
>> server in the directory
>> ftp://cms.dgfm-ev.de/im/ImageMagick-6.3.8/ (which is same as
>> dgfm-ev.de/cms/im/ImageMagick-6.3.8/)
>> The listing of the /bin/ - subdirectory is:
>> dgfm-ev.de/im/ImageMagick-6.3.8/> ls
>> Magick++-config MagickWand-config compare convert import
>> stream
>> Magick-config Wand-config composite display mogrify
>> MagickCore-config animate conjure identify montage
>> (See screenshot http://cms.dgfm-ev.de/fehler/ftp_screenshot.gif )
> the usual unix problem for windows-people?
> missing x-bits?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permissions
> make listing with Parameter -l:
> ls -l
> then you should read something like this:
> -rwxr-xr-x 123 www-user www-group convert
> then you have to compare the user-rights to access these files compared
> to the user your server (apache and php) is running.
> http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/20030417.html
> bernd
thanks, Bernd, for your advice. Unfotunately it didn't help.
Here's more information and what I did (w/o success):
Strato.de Webhosting-Paket "Premium S", meaning:
Safemode ist Off
My first accessible directory is
Here is the old website dgfm-ev.de, starting with index.php3 = static
html. - all ok
For CMS/Typo3 I prepared a new directory: /cms
and a new subdomain: cms.dgfm-ev.de, which links to /cms
So on http to cms.dgfm-ev.de the index.php is correctly loaded.
Path for ImageMagick:
First I put it to a directory without capitals: "im"
Then I set the search path in the T3 Install Tool like given there:
/home/strato/http/premium/web6/32/06/51046706/htdocs/cms/im/bin/ -> no
Then according to Strato's advice:
/home/strato/www/dg/www.dgfm-ev.de/htdocs/cms/im/bin/ -> no success
First tries were ImageMagick-sparc-sun-solaris2.10.tar.gz .
Next with another IM-version: imagemagick-4.2.9_i386-static-3.tar.tar ->
no success
Renaming the *.bin to * (without .bin) -> no success
Entering directly in Typo3-Install / All configuration -> no success
Executable-Rightsfor the binaries:
first of all they were already set (755), second "chmod +x" did no better.
$ id
uid=123456 gid=1101(customer)
$ ls -l
total 4532
-rwxr-xr-x 1 123456 customer 1537068 Jan 23 2004 combine
-rwxr-xr-x 1 123456 customer 1550572 Jan 23 2004 convert
-rwxr-xr-x 1 123456 customer 1528300 Jan 23 2004 identify
-rwxr-xr-x 1 123456 customer 531 May 17 2004 wrapper.sh
php_admin_value open_basedir -> doesn't work in .htaccess nor php nor
(doing this in .htaccess leads to Server Error, so I am not allowed to)
echo $PATH says: "/bin"
(Idea: Would it help to copy the IM-bin-directory to "my root" \htdocs\?)
Shell: "./convert" says: "command not found"
Question: Is it possible the provider disallow foreing executables at all?
Modifikation of \typo3\sysext\install\mod\class.tx_install.php:
Commenting line 1804
"# if (ini_get('open_basedir') ||
(@file_exists($v)&&@is_file($v.$filename.$isExt))) {"
and line 1814 "# }"
--> no success
The - by the way helpful - manual of tanmar doesn't help either.
In different postings here, at http://www.typo3.net/forum/ and
http://www.typo3forum.net/ I found quite different opinions:
Some say, Strato doesn#t support Typo3 anyway, or only on root-Servers,
others succeed, ... others got Typo3 to run but only without IM ...
I asked Strato, the answer will come, I'll tell you then...
So far I am still thankful for help
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