[TYPO3] TypoScript doubt

Antonio Álvarez Feijoo aalvarez at igalia.com
Fri Jun 6 13:26:06 CEST 2008

> You mention searching through the page tree to do this, but you'd only
> have to do it in your root template--and besides,

The problem is a website with a lot of pages with different CSS each one,
so including one CSS for *all* the pages is not correct.

> you'll have these
> conditions in that template anyway in a typical multilanguage setup,
> and you *will* need to add to the set when you add new languages even
> if your stylesheets are called by some other process. So I don't
> really understand how adding your stylesheets this way is problematic.

I only want to "automatize" as much as possible the process of add a new
language in a complex and big website.

> There are a couple of other options for including stylesheets that can
> make use of stdWrap, but it's hard to say what might work best for you
> without more information. Can you say why using conditions is a
> problem?

Could you tell me these two options, please?


Antonio Álvarez Feijoo
Computer Science Engineer
mailto:aalvarez at igalia.com
Tel: +34 986 10 76 10
Fax: +34 981 91 39 49
Igalia - http://www.igalia.com

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