[TYPO3] better way for template inheritance
henri delebecque
henri.delebecque at supelec.fr
Thu Jun 5 09:24:11 CEST 2008
First, I should apologize if my question is trivial, but i'm rather a
newbie in Typo3.
I have the following site structure, that seems very classical to me:
My site in structured into chapters, each one describing a part of
the features offer.
For example, a chapter for the products, one for the services, for
the support, and so on.
For each chapter I have two kind of templates. the first describes
the whole chpater, and contents basically a short description (left
column) and a list of links (in right column) to the pages that
describe each element of this chapter (for example each product).
I have defined my typo3 pages following the structure bellow:
+------products (with the template that describe a product, used for
every product sub-page)
| +---- product summary page (with the template that
describe all the products)
| +----- first product (no template, inherits the
template in "products")
| + ...
| +----- last product (same as the first)
+------services (same templates, but customized for presenting the services)
The main advantage of this way of designing is that my product page
authors can freely add new product pages, without the burden of
assigning a template to each page. Moreover, the individual product
template is highly factorized. The "products" page is only a template
container, and the "product summary page" contains the chapter
presentation stuff, and the template for displaying it. The product
summary template only redefines the HTML page that has to be parsed
by te automaketemplate extension I use for template generation.
Everything was fine until I realized that the "bread crumbs" (or
rootline) doesn't work well when the user clicks on the "products"
link, since it receives a page formatted using the individual product
template, without content.
My second try was to include all the products subpages into an alias,
named "products", that points to the presentation page, , to hide the
real products page (to display a good rootline), keeping all other
things constant. The problem, in this case, is that the "speaking
url" (rewritten by realurl) for the first product page, was
"site;domain.com/products/products/first_product...", which is not
very pleasant :-)
Please, could you give me advice, or correct my design if I have made
mistakes ?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
| Henri Delebecque (henri.delebecque at supelec.fr)
| Docteur en Sciences
| Professeur - Webmaster
| Tel : 33 (0)
| Supelec
| 3 rue Joliot-Curie
| Plateau de Moulon
| Fax: 33 (0)
| 91190 Gif sur Yvette
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